Lehigh University
Art Architecture and Design
113 Research Drive
Building C
Bethlehem, PA 18015


Initial Sketch

These are two initial sketches that I drew up on my tablet. I am trying to mimic all three different agents through various line strokes.

Agent 1: Myself, is much more linear. As it is from the POV of an outsider the only true way for me to understand the geography of the city is through the grid system. I think a good way to show this is drawing would be through standard street plans and maps.

Agent 2: Homeless Woman, is much more sprawled out but in a confined radius. This agent shines through with the layout of the park and the radial energy that it omits. But at the same time it is very organic and doesn’t have the sharp jagged lines such as agent 1. This agent is largely impacted by section drawings due to its underground nature of half of their day.

Agent 3: SAHD, is a radial energy. This agent had access to a car which really separates her from the other two agents. She is able to bounce back and forth from her home base and create a sun-like pattern that the other agents don’t have the luxury to do. This creates a lot of different perspective than the rest. I think this POV gets to see the axo drawings the clearest being most closely related to residential.

Thus, as a whole I want to emphasis the points of intersection of all three of my agents. I think this is almost my version of an architectural Venn-diagram showing the similarities and differences between a day in the life of these agents. Within the three agents there is attention and neglect that speaks out in the shapes of each agents footpath.

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