Lehigh University
Art Architecture and Design
113 Research Drive
Building C
Bethlehem, PA 18015


Agent 1 – My Camera

The biggest challenge with this assignment was definitely interpreting the instructions. I knew this was going to be a challenge even after the clarifying we went through in class. I kept encountering misunderstandings in my interpretation of the instructions, and subsequently roadblocks in my train of thought when formulating my approach/answer to the prompt. The best tactic I learned was embracing the ambiguity of the assignment, because if there’s one thing I’ve learned, ambiguity has been intentional and essential in guiding the assignment up to this point.

On a side note, while the formatting may exceed the parameters of Calibri 11pt font and 1.5 spacing in the titles, I made sure the body of text itself is 3 full pages in Calibri 11pt with 1.5 spacing

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