Lehigh University
Art Architecture and Design
113 Research Drive
Building C
Bethlehem, PA 18015



Fabric: Campo San Giacomo Di Rialto

  • Study on how most Italian Cities are composed/broken down into individual Campos and Piazzas 
    • Conflict: These areas are connected by spaces of conflict that have no specific purpose but to be used as moving from one divided space to another (unorganized spaces of transition)
      • People in these spaces are either moving toward a destination or standing still enjoying a view which is a high point for contrast and conflict
    • Congregation: The marketplaces on the bottom floor that are centered around a cistern
      • These areas are full of conversation and commotion from bartering and transferring goods
      • The cistern in the middle serves as the source of drinking water in the small area 
    • Residence: The 2nd floors and higher in that are composed of apartments that overlook the open campo
      • The apartments are small and minimalistic. They have a n overhead look at the commotion below and often contain a balcony
  • Hand drawings that I did when I visited, I was attempting to study the areas’ daily functions and the circulation of people throughout central Venice


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